Mision FAS: Libano

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Coronel Kurtz
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Registrado: 09 Oct 2008 19:09

Mensaje por Coronel Kurtz »


De aqui sabemos como entramos, pero no sabemos como saldremos.

La cosa se pone cada vez más calentita en espera de un nuevo asalto Israel-Hezbola

Israel braces for attack from north
Thu, 09 Oct 2008 02:57:25 GMT

An Israeli tank drives along the Israeli-Lebanese border.
Israel deploys forces along the northern border, claiming that Syria or Hezbollah might attack the regime during Yom Kippur holidays.

The Israeli web site Debka said on Wednesday that Israel had stepped up security measures along its borders with Lebanon and Syria after Damascus" deployed its military units to the Lebanese Beqaa Valley border on Tuesday".

The deployment came amid fears that Hezbollah is planning to retaliate for the assassination of its senior commander Imad Mugniyah who was killed in a February car bomb in Damascus.

In a surprise visit to observe the disposition of Israeli forces along the Syrian and Lebanese borders, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the border seems quiet, but commanders must be on high alert "not to permit a repeat of the Yom Kippur War that took place 35 years ago".

Israel fought the Yom Kippur War against Arab nations, including Egypt and Syria, in October 1973. A report by the Agranat Commission on the war that has recently been declassified indicates major flaws in the Yom Kippur War, like those seen in Israel's 33-day war against Lebanon.
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Jefe de Equipo
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Registrado: 16 May 2007 18:27

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No lo han comentado mucho por aquí, pero se ha detenido a una nueva célula terrorista en el sur del Líbano; uno de los detenidos es policía y su objetivo era -una vez más- UNIFIL.
UNIFIL Awaiting Outcome of Lebanese Investigation into Kfar Shouba Terror Cell
Investigation into the alleged Kfar Shouba cell accused of intent to commit terrorist acts was ongoing Saturday, a day after a military judge announced that a police officer and two civilians were arrested for possession of explosives.
UNIFIL political advisor Milos Strugar said the U.N. peacekeeping force was in "constant contact" with the Lebanese army "which is in charge of safeguarding the peacekeepers and their positions."

He told LBC television on Saturday night that UNIFIL is awaiting outcome of the investigation by Lebanese authorities.

"We are not to interfere in the interrogation with the Kfar Shouba terror cell," he added.

On Friday a military judge accused a police officer and two civilians of possessing explosives with the intent to commit terrorist acts, a judicial official said.

"The three men were caught in possession of vials containing unknown substances which have been sent to a laboratory to determine their contents," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The officials say the three were arrested this week after security troops confiscated weapons and vessels containing a liquid possibly used to activate explosives.

"The military judge has accused them of possession of illegal substances and has ordered their detention," the official said.

The three were arrested in the Kfar Shouba district in southern Lebanon, local press reported, though the date of their arrests was not specified.

"The accused are not linked to the attacks that recently took place in Tripoli," the official said referring to two bus bombings that targeted Lebanese soldiers leaving over two dozen people killed.

Lebanese authorities announced last Sunday the arrest of a "terrorist network" thought to be behind three deadly attacks against the army since May.

The cell is thought to be linked to the al-Qaida inspired Fatah al-Islam group, that fought a deadly 15-week battle with the army in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon last year, a security official said.(Naharnet-AFP-AP)

Beirut, 18 Oct 08, 21:34
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Jefe de Equipo
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Registrado: 16 May 2007 18:27

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

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Servicios de inteligencia USA alertan a UNIFIL. Las Navidades son una época de alto riesgo frente al terrorismo yihadista,.
Washington Warns UNIFIL Against Qaida Attack
Two newspapers on Thursday published conflicting reports on a possible attack by al-Qaida terrorists targeting the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
The daily al-Akhbar said the United States had warned UNIFIL of an imminent terrorist attack on Dec. 10.

The report quoted an unnamed European diplomatic source as saying the United States provided UNIFIL with information that al-Qaida would probably launch a "suicide attack" against UNIFIL convoys, which led to a state of alert by the peacekeepers, the Lebanese Army and security agencies.

As-Safir also carried a similar report, saying the Lebanese Army was informed by UNIFIL of the alleged threat.

"Visits to south Lebanon by European officials were called off in light of the threat," the report said.

However, as-Safir said the alleged terrorist attack would probably be launched in the transition between the George Bush and Barak Obama administrations.

It predicted an operation similar to the Mumbai attacks or the targeting of NATO equipment in Pakistan.

The attack would probably be carried out in the Sidon region, along the seafront, the report said.

http://www.naharnet.com/domino/tn/NewsD ... 22002C8950
Beirut, 17 Dec 08, 10:14
La curiosidad mató al gato.
Jefe de Operaciones
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Registrado: 14 Ago 2008 05:02

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

Mensaje por Mueca »

Tritón mire esta noticia http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNew ... VW20090111, no sería nada extraño un nuevo atentado como el que costó la vida a los 6 militares españoles:
U.N. peacekeepers in south Lebanon found suspected explosives hidden in a garbage truck in front of their base on Sunday, the peacekeeping force said in a statement.

Two Lebanese men who had been in the vehicle had been handed over to Lebanese security forces for questioning, according to the statement issued by the Italian contingent of the UNIFIL peacekeeping force. A sniffer dog had detected what the statement said was "a moderate quantity of substance, presumably plastic explosive," hidden in a tool box in the truck, as it tried to enter the base in Tibnine.
Preocupante el caso de otro posible vehículo bomba que estalla al paso de un convoy ONU.
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Jefe de Equipo
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Registrado: 16 May 2007 18:27

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

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según naharnet, Hizbullah está reorientando su despliegue al valle de la Bekaa.
Hizbullah Relocated Positions … Next Battle to be Launched from Bekaa
Hizbullah has over the past two days relocated all its positions and main centers, the daily Asharq al-Awsat reported Friday.
It cited a source close to Hizbullah as saying that the Shiite group has moved all its logistics and security cadres from Beirut's southern suburbs to east Lebanon's Bekaa Valley and southern Lebanon.

The source said Hizbullah has also called upon its skilled members – from communications technicians to engineers and technicians residing oversees – to return to Lebanon.

The source, however, ruled out a new war on Lebanon, "particularly since the wounds of the previous war have not yet healed."

He said Hizbullah will not engage in a new confrontation with Israel "unless Iran decided to wage war in the region."

The source said that in the event Hizbullah chose war, "then the next battle arena would not be the south where the Lebanese army and UNIFIL are deployed."

"The next battle will be launched from the Bekaa where Hizbullah's military strength is centered," the source added.

http://www.naharnet.com/domino/tn/NewsD ... enDocument
Beirut, 09 Jan 09, 14:07
La curiosidad mató al gato.
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Oficial de Enlace
Oficial de Enlace
Mensajes: 103
Registrado: 14 Jun 2007 19:46

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

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Ayuda militar USA al Ejército Libanés. Atentos a los UAV
Heavy U.S. Military Aid to Lebanon Arrives ahead of Elections

Heavy U.S. military assistance, including tanks, artillery and aircrafts, is expected to arrive in Lebanon ahead of the June 7 parliamentary elections, U.S. officials announced following talks with Defense Minister Elias Murr in Washington.
The confirmation of the arms shipment to Lebanon was made by State Department official David Hale and Colin Kahl, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle Eastern Affairs.

Hale said the shipment includes 41 Howitzer artillery and 12 Zodiac boats.

He said the Lebanese military will also be receiving in May 12 pilotless Raven aircrafts that would help the army monitor any attempt to fire rockets from southern Lebanon into northern Israel.

Hale said the delivery also includes one Cessna Caravan aircraft, which is expected to arrive end of April to provide air support for ground forces.

A set of 20 Hellfire air-to-ground missiles and the first batch of 10 M-60 tanks will also be arriving in May, according to Hale.
Murr on Wednesday met with senior White House officials in the first official visit made by a Lebanese government figure to Washington since U.S. President Barack Obama became president.

His meetings included talks with Special Assistant for State Security and Counter-Terrorism John Brennan.

\"There are no changes in President Barack Obama\'s policy toward Lebanon; in fact, there is a commitment to support the Lebanese government and its institutions,\" Brennan told reporters following the meeting.

He said Obama\'s administration was \"ready to meet the needs of Lebanon\'s defense ministry and army, which represent the key elements to Lebanon\'s stability and security.\"

Murr also met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Special Envoy to the Middle East Senator George Mitchell, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman and Special Adviser Dennis Ross.

\"It is very important that the United States stand firmly and strongly on behalf of Lebanese democracy,\" Clinton said following her meeting with Murr.

\"We are very supportive of what the Lebanese government is doing in its efforts to make sure that the upcoming elections are free and fair,\" she added.

\"And we are very encouraged by the efforts that the Lebanese government has been making to comply with international obligations and to continue to make progress on a whole range of issues,\" Clinton said.

Murr, in turn, thanked Clinton for the \"backup that the State of Department and the U.S. administration is giving to Lebanon, to the government of Lebanon, and to the Lebanese army.\"

\"I hope that … the U.S. policy – and this is what I heard, and I can confirm it today – the U.S. policy will remain the same concerning Lebanon,\" Murr added.

Beirut, Updated 09 Apr 09, 09:20
Apoyo Tecnico
Apoyo Tecnico
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Registrado: 22 Abr 2009 22:11

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

Mensaje por Rafa84 »

Este hilo esta muy parado,aver si se anima para empezar se podria decir o publicar vivencias de la situación en la zona de las distintas unidades desplegadas.Seguro que hay muchos foreros que conocen gente de la bripac,legión,la reina...
yo transmitire las de La Reina que es la que conozco personalmente.Para empezar hablare si me lo permitis sobre el disparate de encuadrar artilleros en secciones de fusiles (como si no hubiera infantes que quieres ir) y disparate por la instrucción sobre la que se orienta es arma y sobre la mentalidad del generalillo de querer que todos tengan experiencia en operaciones ¿pero acaso se olvida para que esta la infanteria?Ya mismo los de la USBA haran puntos de control y registros en escondrijos de munición.
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Agente de Campo
Agente de Campo
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Registrado: 02 Sep 2007 00:00

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

Mensaje por Bourne »

El Ejército dice que detuvo a espías israelíes en el Líbano y Defensa lo niega

Roberto Benito | Madrid
Actualizado miércoles 10/06/2009 14:27 horas

Militares españoles destacados en el Líbano han participado en una operación para desactivar una célula de espionaje israelí en el país, que se ha saldado hasta el momento con varios detenidos. Así se lo ha comunicado el jefe de la misión, el general José María Prieto, a Carme Chacón en una videoconferencia.

"Durante la semana, destacar que se ha continuado con estas labores que se están haciendo de búsqueda de la célula de espionaje israelita. Ha habido varias detenciones", ha dicho literalmente el general español.

Poco después, sin embargo, el Ministerio de Defensa ha asegurado que las palabras del jefe de la misión española en el Líbano han sido un malentendido y ha desmentido la noticia. Según su explicación, el general se ha referido a la situación en la zona sureste del país, bajo responsabilidad española, señalando que en ella se ha producido, en efecto, una operación para desactivar una célula de espionaje israelí. Sin embargo, el departamento que dirige Chacón ha aclarado que la misión la han desarrollado las Fuerzas Armadas libanesas y que las tropas españolas no han tenido ninguna participación.

El general Prieto ha explicado que el desarrollo de la operación, realizada en una zona de mayoría chií, ha despertado el "recelo" de la población local, como ocurre siempre con este tipo de acciones, ya que los chiíes "creen que cuando alguien se pone cerca está buscando información que puede ser utilizada de forma hostil para ellos".

La operación de inteligencia se ha desarrollado durante el crucial proceso electoral en el país, que culminó el domingo con la victoria de la coalición prooccidental, y continúa abierta.

http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/06/1 ... 32135.html
"Un sable puede ser tan educativo como un libro. Según quién te lo ponga en las manos"
(A. Pérez Reverte)
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Registrado: 13 Nov 2006 22:29
Ubicación: Foro de Inteligencia

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

Mensaje por kilo009 »

Vaya cagada... ¿y eso lo ha dicho en una videoconferencia en abierto con periodistas de por medio?
Saber para Vencer


Mensajes: 7691
Registrado: 13 Nov 2006 22:29
Ubicación: Foro de Inteligencia

Re: Mision FAS: Libano

Mensaje por kilo009 »

Esto lo ha colgado el Usuario voronezh en el Foro de las FAS http://www.b2g2.com/boards/board.cgi?ac ... 6&user=fas
Authorities release UNIFIL workers arrested on suspicion of espionage

Daily Star staff
Friday, June 05, 2009

BEIRUT: Two Lebanese employees of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) were released after their arrest for allegedly spying for Israel, UNIFIL said on Thursday.

UNIFIL spokesperson Yasmina Bouziane said the Lebanese authorities notified UNIFIL about two separate arrests of Lebanese UNIFIL employees, on May 26, 2009, for allegedly spying for Israel.

She said the first employee was released on May 31, 2009, and the second on June 3, 2009, adding that they are back to their jobs after preliminary investigations. "UNIFIL is assisting the Lebanese authorities in their investigations, per the agreement between Lebanon and the UN on the situation of UNIFIL."

Meanwhile, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams said he discussed with Premier Fouad Siniora Thursday the upcoming report on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701, as well as spy networks.

Williams said the two officials discussed the cluster-bomb maps that Israel handed to UNIFIL and the issue of recently uncovered Israeli spy networks "which the UN is following closely."

Lebanon has formally complained to the UN about the alleged spying, which it says is a breach of a Security Council resolution that halted the 34-day conflict.

On Wednesday, the army intelligence arrested a man identified as Ali Mallah from the southern village of Ain Qana on suspicion of spying for Israel.

Lebanon's chief of police said Tuesday he expected more arrests in an investigation into spying for Israel that has already led to some 35 people being detained. "We have not completed the mission," Achraf Rifi said. "We have files that are still being prepared for arrests."

However, he declined to discuss the thread that led to the arrests: "It's too early to reveal the secret. Nobody would surrender the key that led to this before finishing the mission." - The Daily Star

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