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Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 12 Jul 2011 15:58
por kilo009
El material que ha explosionado en Chipre, ¿asunto de los iraníes, sirios o por otras causas?

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... rigue.html

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 10 Ene 2012 13:25
por pcaspeq
Igual no es el sitio correcto, pero que se sabe del condenado a muerte... ¿un ex-soldado de la guardia nacional? que vendria a ser un reservista español captado por la CIA, no se...

http://www.europapress.es/internacional ... 83111.html

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 23 Abr 2012 16:57
por GUAU
http://www.elcorreo.com/vizcaya/v/20120 ... 20423.html
Irán copia a EE UU el drone capturado en diciembre
23.04.12 - 02:14 -
El Ejército iraní aseguró ayer que su país ha logrado descubrir los secretos del avión no tripulado (drone) estadounidense capturado en diciembre y anunció que lo aprovecharán para realizar una copia del aparato. Para demostrar que habían destripado el aparato, el general Amir Ali Hadjizadeh relató en la televisión estatal todos los destinos, averías y misiones que había completado la aeronave. Desde 2010, los ingenieros de la república islámica fabrican drones, pero estos detalles facilitarán su proliferación.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 09 Oct 2012 03:13
por Oraculo
Yemen arresta a inversionistas iraníes por presunto espionaje

El Ministerio de Defensa de Yemen dijo hoy que arrestó a varios "inversionistas iraníes que presuntamente dirigían células espías en Yemen" y confiscaron su equipo camuflado que podría ser utilizado para fabricar armas.
http://spanish.china.org.cn/internation ... 729498.htm

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 09 Ene 2013 21:12
por kilo009
Es de Diciembre de 2012, muy interesante:

Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security:


Actividad en Europa, aliados por el mundo, organización, áreas de interés...

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 01 Jul 2013 21:36
por Mueca
Vaya con los paracaidistas eslovacos:

By Alexandra Sandels
June 30, 2013, 9:57 a.m.

BEIRUT-- Iranian authorities confirmed Sunday the arrests of several Slovakian nationals who were taken into custody on espionage-related charges while on a paragliding trip to Iran.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said the group had been acting suspiciously.

“Some Slovakian nationals were taking photos of our country's military sites by glider when arrested by security forces," he was quoted as saying in a report by Iranian Students News Agency.

A report by Iran’s semi-official Mehr News Agency quoting Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi said seven Slovaks had been arrested, all of whom entered the country as tourists. An investigation has been launched and the Slovakian ambassador in Tehran has been notified of the arrests, the spokesman added.

It was not immediately clear where or when the arrests took place. Boroujerdi said only that the paragliders had been present in “sensitive areas” and that they had been in possession of unspecified "equipment,” according to local media reports.

On Friday, the Slovakian Foreign Ministry confirmed that an unspecified number of Slovakian citizens had been detained in Iran.

"Our diplomats in Tehran are in touch with the arrested citizens and the Iranian authorities,” Slovakian Foreign Ministry spokesman Boris Gandel told Agence France-Presse.

This is not the first espionage case in Iran involving a Slovak national. In February, a Slovak was reportedly held for 40 days in solitary confinement on accusations of being a CIA spy before being released.

Other alleged spying cases involving foreigners have also made headlines from Iran.

In 2011, Iran freed U.S. citizens Joshua Fattal and Shane Bauer, who had been convicted of spying and had been sentenced to eight years in prison. The two and a third U.S. citizen, Sarah Shourd, were arrested in 2009 while hiking along the Iraq-Iran border area. All denied being spies and said they were on a recreational hike. Shourd was released in 2010.

In 2010, Clotilde Reiss, a French teaching assistant, was freed after being arrested at Tehran's airport in July 2009 and held on spying charges. She had worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Isfahan and was accused of taking part in a Western plot to destabilize the Iranian government after 2009's disputed presidential election. She denied the spying charges.
http://www.latimes.com/news/world/world ... 5648.story

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 02 Jul 2013 08:44
por Arrano
Despues de ver como caen los cientificos iranies, normal que vean espías por todos lados.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 07 Ago 2013 18:35
por kilo009
Debe ser uno de los países más peligrosos para trabajar sobre el terreno. Otro más cazado:

http://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php?o ... 1&Itemid=1

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 08 Ago 2013 21:48
por Zigor
Ya se sabe que donde hay mucha suspicacia y donde hay mucho interés en trabajar, las posibilidades de detectar aumentan. Y eso que los israelíes suelen recurrir mucho a encargos a terceros, tanto para algo tan trivial como vender productos suyos a los palestinos como para el espionaje. Pero en cualquier caso, es obvio que Irán es un país muy curtido en esos temas. Me pregunto qué sucedería con un rumbo no beligerante hacia Israel de parte de Irán.

Re: Inteligencia iraní

Publicado: 08 Oct 2013 13:26
por kilo009
Los iraníes no ganan para altos cargos, ahora se han cargado al jefe de su mando de cyberdefensa, Mojtaba Ahmadi

Iranian cyber warfare commander shot dead in suspected assassination
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... ation.html

Habían conseguido grandes logros con su programa:

http://counterjihadreport.com/2013/10/0 ... perations/

Operaciones encubiertas en orden cronológico desdenciente contra el programa nuclear iraní:
October 2, 2013: The commander of Iran’s cyber warfare headquarters, Mojtaba Ahmadi, is shot to death.

May 7, 2013: Three explosions occur at the Raja-Shimi chemical complex in Tehran Province. The site is linked to Iran’s ballistic missile program.

January 21, 2013: Iranian opposition sources report a large explosion at the underground uranium enrichment facility at Fordo. The Iranian regime denies the reports and the White House and International Atomic Energy Agency cast doubt. Anonymous international government officials confirm that an explosion happened and the Iranian opposition sources stand by their story.

May 2012: A new cyber attack dubbed "The Flame" is discovered in Iran. It is described as "the ultimate spy" and may be paving the way for acts of sabotage.

May 2012: Defense Online reports that at least 10 senior Revolutionary Guards officials have suffered mysterious deaths in recent months.

April 2012: The Iranian government states that its Oil Ministry and Kharg Island terminal, where the majority of Iran’s oil is exported from, were hacked into by foreigners. It denied that there was serious damage but admits that “data related to some of the users have been compromised.”

January 11, 2012: A fifth Iranian nuclear scientist, Mostafa Ahmad Roshan, is killed when two assassins attach a magnetic bomb to his car. The Iranian regime says he was “deputy in charge of commerce” at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.

December 11, 2011: At least 7 are killed and 12 are wounded in an explosion at a steel plant in Yazd. The site had not been publicly identified as a nuclear or missile site. There are reports that the plant produced steel for making missile exhaust system and/or missile nose cones.

November 12, 2011: A Revolutionary Guards missile base at Bid Kaneh near Tehran is destroyed in a series of explosions. Iran’s top missile engineer is killed.

November 28, 2011: Massive explosions are heard near the Isfahan uranium conversion facility. The Institute for Science and International Security concludes that an underground storage site 400 meters from the facility was destroyed.

November 25, 2011: The Washington Post reports a “fivefold increase in explosions at refineries and gas pipelines since 2010.” The number of gas pipeline explosions increased from 3 in 2009 to 17 in 2010. The explosions undermine Iran’s ability to finance its weapons programs.

October 12, 2011: A Revolutionary Guards base at Khorramabad is destroyed because of an explosion at an ammunition depot. The base had launch pads and storage centers for Shahab-3 ballistic missiles, which Iran has researched how to develop a nuclear warhead for.

October 2011: A new cyber attack, Doqu, is discovered in Iran and nicknamed “Son of Stuxnet.”

July 23, 2011: A fourth nuclear scientist, Darioush Rezaei, is killed when he is shot near his home by assassins on motorcycles. He specialized in neutron transport, the type of expertise needed in triggering nuclear explosions.

November 29, 2010: Motorcycle-riding attackers use magnet bombs to target two nuclear scientists in two different locations. Majid Shahriari, a specialist in neutron transport, becomes the third nuclear scientist to die. Fereidoun Abbasi, who the U.N. had linked to Iran’s nuclear program, survives and is promoted to director of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization.

June 2010: A cyber weapon dubbed “Stuxnet” is discovered in Iran. It is believed to have destroyed one-fifth of the 5,000 centrifuges at the Natanz enrichment facility by speeding up their spins.

In November 2009, only 3,900 centrifuges were operating, down about 1,000 from May. The ones that did operate only produced about half of the uranium they should have. One study found that Iran’s centrifuges were only operating at 20 percent efficiency. Only about half of the centrifuges at Natanz were working, and they were breaking faster than they were being replaced.

The cyber attack may also have targeted the Bushehr nuclear reactor.

January 12, 2010: A second nuclear scientist, Masoud Ali-Mohammadi, is killed when a remote-controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle goes off in Tehran. The Iranian regime compliments him as a “staunch supporter of the Islamic Revolution,” but some opposition sources suspect the regime was behind his death instead of a foreign government. It is reported that a Lebanese Hezbollah operative was seen near the explosion. The scientist was a known supporter of President Ahmadinejad’s rival in the presidential election.

October 2009: David Ignatius of the Washington Post reports on a story in Nucleonics Week that malfunctioning equipment at the Isfahan conversion site led to the contamination of uranium at the Natanz enrichment facility, as far back as 2005.

Summer 2009: An explosion occurs at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility. The chief of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization is subsequently fired.

January 2007: A scientist who works at the Isfahan uranium conversion facility dies. The Iranian regime says he “suffocated by fumes from a faulty gas fire” but a foreign role is widely suspected.

2006: An explosion at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility destroys 50 centrifuges. The Iranian regime blames it on “manipulated equipment.”

http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/ ... operations