Foro destinado al estudio de la organización, sus líderes, estrategias y comunicados. AQMI, AQAP, ISIL, Al Shabaab, Al Nusrah Front, AQ en el Sinai, Ansar al Sharia y grupos afiliados

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Mensaje por kilo009 »

Creo que puede ser de interés: ... challenges

Re-Examining the Al Qa’ida Threat to the United States ... 130718.pdf

The Continued Expansion of Al Qaeda Affiliates and their Capabilities ... 130718.pdf

“Global al-Qaeda: Affiliates, Objectives, and Future Challenges ... 130718.pdf

The Future of Anti-Western Jihadism ... 130718.pdf
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Registrado: 13 Nov 2006 22:29
Ubicación: Foro de Inteligencia


Mensaje por kilo009 »

Interesante estudio sobre la efectividad del empleo de drones en campañas contrainsurgencia y contraterroristas. ... report.pdf
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Tecnico de Inteligencia
Tecnico de Inteligencia
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2011 09:56
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Mensaje por Daniel1973 »

Artículo de la Revista Española de Defensa sobre las nuevas caras de Al Qaeda. Dos años después de la desaparición de Bin Laden, la organización terrorista es mucho más poliédrica y basa su fuerza en diversos organismos regionales con líderes locales. ... lqaeda.pdf
Orbs Patria Nostra.
Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 14 Dic 2013 16:01


Mensaje por Mayordomo »

¿Qué sabéis sobre las raíces del al Qaeda, en qué bases se apoya su ideología...?
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Jefe de Operaciones
Jefe de Operaciones
Mensajes: 995
Registrado: 12 Jul 2012 18:40
Ubicación: Corea del norte.


Mensaje por LoboAzul »

Emiratos Arabes Unidos ha publicado su lista de organizaciones terroristas. Al menos 10 las marca en Europa.

:: The UAE Muslim Brotherhood.
:: Al-Islah (or Da'wat Al-Islah).
:: Fatah al-Islam (Lebanon).
:: Associazione Musulmani Italiani (Association of Italian Muslims).
:: Khalaya Al-Jihad Al-Emirati (Emirati Jihadist Cells).
:: Osbat al-Ansar (the League of the Followers) in Lebanon.
:: The Finnish Islamic Association (Suomen Islam-seurakunta).
:: Alkarama organisation.
:: Al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM or Tanzim al-Qa idah fi Bilad al-Maghrib al-Islami).
:: The Muslim Association of Sweden (Sveriges muslimska forbund, SMF)
:: Hizb al-Ummah (The Ommah Party or Nation's Party) in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula
:: Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL, Partisans of Islamic Law).
:: Det Islamske Forbundet i Norge (Islamic Association in Norway).
:: Al-Qaeda.
:: Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia (AST, Partisans of Sharia) in Tunisia.
:: Islamic Relief UK.
:: Dae'sh (ISIL).
:: Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM) in Somalia ( Mujahideen Youth Movement)
:: The Cordoba Foundation (TCF) in Britian.
:: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
:: Boko Haraam ( Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'Awati Wal-Jihad) in Nigeria.
:: Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) of the Global Muslim Brotherhood.
:: Jama'at Ansar al-Shari'a (Partisans of Sharia) in Yemen.
:: Al-Mourabitoun (The Sentinels) group in Mali.
:: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (Taliban Movement of Pakistan).
:: The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organisation and groups.
:: Ansar al-Dine (Defenders of the faith) movement in Mali.
:: Abu Dhar al-Ghifari Battalion in Syria.
:: Jama'a Islamia in Egypt (AKA al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya, The Islamic Group, IG).
:: The Haqqani Network in Pakistan.
:: Al-Tawheed Brigade (Brigade of Unity, or Monotheism) in Syria.
:: Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (ABM, Supporters of the Holy House or Jerusalem) and now rebranded as Wilayat Sinai (Province or state in the Sinai).
:: Lashkar-e-Taiba (Soldiers, or Army of the Pure, or of the Righteous).
:: Al-Tawhid wal-Eman battalion (Battalion of Unity, or Monotheism, and Faith) in Syria.
:: Ajnad Misr (Soldiers of Egypt) group.
:: The East Turkistan Islamic Movement in Pakistan (ETIM), AKA the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), Turkistan Islamic Movement (TIM).
:: Katibat al-Khadra in Syria (The Green Battalion).
:: Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen Fi Aknaf Bayt al-Maqdis (the Mujahedeen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, or MSC).
:: Jaish-e-Mohammed (The Army of Muhammad).
:: Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Brigade in Syria.
:: The Houthi Movement in Yemen.
:: Jaish-e-Mohammed (The Army of Muhammad) in Pakistan and India.
:: Talha Ibn 'Ubaid-Allah Compnay in Syria.
:: Hezbollah al-Hijaz in Saudi Arabia.
:: Al Mujahideen Al Honoud in Kashmor/ India (The Indian Mujahideen, IM).
:: Al Sarim Al Battar Brigade in Syria.
:: Hezbollah in the Gulf Cooperation Council.
:: Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus (Caucasus Emirate or Kavkaz and Chechen jidadists).
:: The Abdullah bin Mubarak Brigade in Syria.
:: Al-Qaeda in Iran.
:: The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU).
:: Qawafil al-Shuhada (Caravans of the Martyrs).
:: The Badr Organisation in Iraq.
:: Abu Sayyaf Organisation in the Philippines.
:: Abu Omar Brigade in Syria.
:: Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq in Iraq (The Leagues of the Righteous).
:: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
:: Ahrar Shammar Brigade in Syria (Brigade of the free men of the Shammar Tribe).
:: Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq.
:: CANVAS organisation in Belgrade, Serbia.
:: The Sarya al-Jabal Brigade in Syria.
:: Liwa Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas in Syria.
:: The Muslim American Society (MAS).
:: Al Shahba' Brigade in Syria.
:: Liwa al-Youm al-Maw'oud in Iraq (Brigade of Judgment Day).
:: International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS).
:: Al Ka'kaa' Brigade in Syria.
:: Liwa Ammar bin Yasser (Ammar bin Yasser Brigade).
:: Ansar al-Islam in Iraq.
:: Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe.
:: Sufyan Al Thawri Brigade.
:: Ansar al-Islam Group in Iraq (Partisans of Islam).
:: Union of Islamic Organisations of France (L'Union des Organisations Islamiques de France, UOIF).
:: Ebad ar-Rahman Brigade (Brigade of Soldiers of Allah) in Syria.
:: Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) in Syria.
:: Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).
:: Omar Ibn al-Khattab Battalion in Syria.
:: Harakat Ahrar ash-Sham Al Islami (Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant).
:: Islamic Society of Germany (Islamische Gemeinschaft Deutschland).
:: Al-Shayma' Battaltion in Syria.
:: Jaysh al-Islam in Palestine (The Army of Islam in Palestine)
:: The Islamic Society in Denmark (Det Islamiske Trossamfund, DIT).
:: Katibat al-Haqq (Brigade of the Righteous).
: The Abdullah Azzam Brigades.
:: The League of Muslims in Belgium (La Ligue des Musulmans de Belgique, LMB) ... 78814.html
Analista Base
Analista Base
Mensajes: 216
Registrado: 19 Ago 2008 16:52


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Acción en Irán... o no, depende a quien se quiera creer. ... b45d9.html

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