Noticias de la industria

Dedicado a las compañias privadas de servicios militares, seguridad e inteligencia.
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Registrado: 24 Mar 2008 07:43

Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por blackjack »

Loopster escribió:Es que no es lo mismo un primo con una empresa que le jode el negocio, que un hermanastro que le hace rico... :lol:

Ojito con lo de que todo lo arregla la pasta, demasiados empresarios han ido a Afganistán pensando en abrirse camino a base de maletines y han visto como en seis meses les soplaban 4 millones de € en "licencias", "permisos", "autorizaciones" y demás cosas que se iban sacando de la manga autoridades nacionales, regionales y locales hasta dejarle seco. Por supuesto el negocio ni llegó a montarlo.
Eso es Verdad, me refería a la Karzai Family en concreto.
Además no todas son reales, más de uno ha comprado su licencia al jerifalte local y luego ha venido el gobierno y le ha dicho que su licencia no vale, que necesita otra. Incluso alguno ha acabado en el trullo.

En Iraq está pasando lo mismo, pero no tan descarado (de momento) como en Afganistán.
Que todo el mundo tiene licencia X de coches e Y de armas, pues ahora nos sacamos de la manga otras dos licencias nuevas y ha seguir recaudando.
Y el que quiere trabajar legalmente lleva una pila de licencias encima como si fuese una colección de pokémon.
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Registrado: 10 Ene 2007 12:32
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Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por Loopster »

[Off topic]

¿Cuál es el mejor regalo que se le puede hacer a un Team Leader en Iraq?

Un buen bolsillo de administración tamaño XXL para todos los documentos y licencias (y copias) que tiene que llevar encima :lol:

[/Off Topic]

La gente, especialmente nuestro MinisDef, AECID, Ministerio de Exteriores y varias empresas españolas no son conscientes de lo que se está montando en Badghis. Un par de personas ya me han comentado que hay empresas españolas pretendiendo entrar a trabajar en Afganistán y sinceramente... lo tienen crudo, primero porque la seguridad que van a tener serán del ANP o alguna PMC propiedad de la familia Karzai, y segundo porque algún "intermediario" lleva tiempo vendiendo el oro y el moro sin tener muy claro con quien se ha asociado allí... por ejemplo el que la DEA le haya intervenido varios contenedores con destino a Reino Unido que (oh, casualidad) tenían cargamentos de heroína dentro.
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Registrado: 24 Mar 2008 07:43

Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por blackjack »

¿Cuál es el mejor regalo que se le puede hacer a un Team Leader en Iraq?

Un buen bolsillo de administración tamaño XXL para todos los documentos y licencias (y copias) que tiene que llevar encima
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Registrado: 10 Ene 2007 12:32
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Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por Loopster »

Dyncorp tenía que ser... ... ncing-boys
WikiLeaks cables show Afghan interior minister Hanif Atmar was in a panic over the scandal involving foreign contractors. Atmar resigned in June this year. Photograph: Massoud Hossaini/AFP/Getty Images A scandal involving foreign contractors employed to train Afghan policemen who took drugs and paid for young "dancing boys" to entertain them in northern Afghanistan caused such panic that the interior minister begged the US embassy to try and "quash" the story, according to one of the US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks.

In a meeting with the assistant US ambassador, a panicked Hanif Atmar, the interior minister at the time of the episode last June, warned that the story would "endanger lives" and was particularly concerned that a video of the incident might be made public.

The episode helped to fuel Afghan demands that contractors and private security companies be brought under much tighter government control. However, the US embassy was legally incapable of honouring a request by Atmar that the US military should assume authority over training centres managed by DynCorp, the US company whose employees were involved in the incident in the northern province of Kunduz.

There is a long tradition of young boys dressing up as girls and dancing for men in Afghanistan, an activity that sometimes crosses the line into child abuse with Afghans keeping boys as possessions.

Although rarely discussed or criticised in Afghanistan, it is conceivable that the involvement of foreigners could have turned into a major public scandal. Atmar himself warned about public anger towards contractors, who he said "do not have many friends" and said they needed far greater oversight.

He also said tighter control was needed over Afghan employees of such companies as well.

"He was convinced that the Kunduz incident, and other events where mentors had obtained drugs, could not have happened without Afghan participation," the cable said.

Two Afghan policemen and nine other Afghans were arrested as part of investigations into a crime described by Atmar as "purchasing a service from a child", which the cable said was against both sharia law and the civil code.

He insisted that a journalist looking into the incident should be told that the story would endanger lives, and that the US should try to quash the story. But US diplomats cautioned against an "overreaction" and said that approaching the journalist involved would only make the story worse.

"A widely-anticipated newspaper article on the Kunduz scandal has not appeared but, if there is too much noise that may prompt the journalist to publish," the cable said.

The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of "questionable management oversight" in which foreign DynCorp workers "hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party".

In fact, the episode was causing palpitations at the top of government, including in the presidential palace.

The cable records: "Atmar said that President Karzai had told him that his (Atmar's) 'prestige' was in play in management of the Kunduz DynCorp matter and another recent event in which Blackwater contractors mistakenly killed several Afghan citizens. The President had asked him 'Where is the justice?'"

According to a separate cable both incidents helped fuel Afghan government demands "to hold a tighter rein over [private security companies]" – a demand that also led Atmar to offer that the overstretched police should take over protection for military convoys in the south of Afghanistan.

Earlier this year Karzai issued a decree calling for the dissolution of all private security companies by the end of the year, an edict that has since been slightly watered down.

In a meeting between Atmar and the assistant ambassador Joseph Mussomeli, the US diplomat said he was deeply upset by the incident and that the embassy was considering Afghan demands that the US military should beginning overseeing the DynCrop operations.

Privately, however, they knew that such an arrangement was not "legally possible under the DynCorp contract".
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Registrado: 10 Ene 2007 12:32
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Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por Loopster »

Fin de la tontería, tras la limpia de 54 PMCs y PSCs afganas e internacionales, donde las cinco empresas vinculadas al clan de Karzai se han quedado con sus contratos, el gobierno afgano informa de que ya no van a prohibir las PMCs. Eso sí, siguen diciendo que ninguna nueva empresa podrá registrarse y que se van a imponer más normas y restricciones.
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Registrado: 24 Mar 2008 07:43

Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por blackjack »

blackjack escribió:Aviso a los colegas que tengan pensado moverse por Iraq.

El visado de entrada y el de salida ha subido de 2$ a 82$, así que entrar y salir del pais ahora cuesta 164$ del ala :shock:

El gobierno iraquí ha mandado un comunicado avisando de que piensa cobrarle el 15% del salario en impuestos a todos los contractors que trabajen en el país. Veremos si al final lo cumplen, pero de ser así va ha ser un palo muy gordo.
Parece que las aguas vuelven a su cauce, el visado de entrada/salida de Iraq vuelve a su precio habitual de 2$. Durante este tiempo solo le han cobrado los 82$ a algunas compañías, así que imagino que alguien ya habrá llegado a "un acuerdo amistoso" al estilo local :mrgreen:

Respecto a lo de los imuestos no se ha vuelto a saber nada, me huele a globo sonda del GOI.
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Registrado: 10 Ene 2007 12:32
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Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por Loopster »

ICE y Homeland Security registran la sede central de EODT, el término search warrant es la clave en esto:
Federal agents raid military contractor, EOD Technology, in Lenoir City
By Hugh Willett

Originally published 12:42 p.m., December 8, 2010
Updated 02:51 p.m., December 8, 2010

LENOIR CITY - Federal agents raided EOD Technology's headquarters this morning and executed a search warrant on the government contractor that is working for the U.S. military in Afghanistan.

EOD also has done work for the military in Iraq.

Agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the federal Department of Homeland Security, assisted by Lenoir City police, were seen escorting company employees to their cars this morning.

A Homeland Security Department agent said the agencies were executing a federal search warrant on the company, and a Lenoir City Police Department dispatcher said the department was providing support.

Temple Black, a spokesman with the Department of Homeland Security, confirmed today the agency's role in the EOD investigation. Black referred questions about the raid to the U.S. Attorney's office in Knoxville.

"I can confirm that Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is involved in a law enforcement investigation in Lenoir City, Tenn.," Black said.

"However, in order to preserve the integrity of the ongoing investigation, we are precluded from making any further comments at this time."

EOD Technology released a statement on the raid this afternoon.

"This event came as a complete surprise to us," the company said in a statement released by its Nashville public relations firm, McNeely Pigott & Fox.

"We are a very responsibly run company with a strong ethical standard, and do not know of anything that could have triggered this event.

"We are cooperating with the federal investigators to help clear up whatever concerns there are. We obviously would not have been selected for some of the sensitive and important projects we handle for our country around the world had we not been thoroughly investigated before and found to be trustworthy.

"We plan to continue serving our customers and keep our focus on our work. We hope this matter will be resolved swiftly."

More details as they develop online and in Thursday's News Sentinel.
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Registrado: 20 May 2009 23:50

Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por pcaspeq »

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Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por Loopster »

Marcada como una fachada del Mossad israelí, la empresa de seguridad privada CST Global tiene una historia similar a otras firmas que operan en América Latina como las británicas DynCorp o Defense System LTD (DSL), donde el simple asesoramiento a las fuerzas militares de varios países latinoamericanos, es puesto cada vez más en tela de juicio
Basta el primer párrafo para saber cuanto se ha inventado el redactor y la poca información fiable de la que dispone :roll:
Cry havoc and unleash the hawgs of war - Otatsiihtaissiiststakio piksi makamo ta psswia
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Registrado: 20 May 2009 23:50

Re: Noticias de la industria

Mensaje por pcaspeq »

Loopster escribió:
Marcada como una fachada del Mossad israelí, la empresa de seguridad privada CST Global tiene una historia similar a otras firmas que operan en América Latina como las británicas DynCorp o Defense System LTD (DSL), donde el simple asesoramiento a las fuerzas militares de varios países latinoamericanos, es puesto cada vez más en tela de juicio
Basta el primer párrafo para saber cuanto se ha inventado el redactor y la poca información fiable de la que dispone :roll:

Tengo entendido que esta gente de IRIB y los israelitas no se llevan mu bien :lol: :lol:

De vez en cuando leo cada cosa por esta web, pero imagino que es curioso ver como funciona la desinformacion 8)

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