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Prophet Enhanced

Publicado: 10 Jun 2011 21:21
por Loopster
Alguno recordará que en el tema de Blackwater comenté en su día que los Grizzly 6x6 y algunos RG33 se estaban usando como plataforma C4ISR, equipados con sistemas SIGINT, ELINT y DOCEX para agilizar la explotación de la información obtenida en raids y proteger a los equipos de Intel del SOCOM.

Pues el Army tomo buena nota, y en 2009 encargaron a General Dynamics que integraran una plataforma SIGINT modular en un vehículo MRAP, el resultado es el Prophet Enhanced, y su primer usuario es el 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade. Que por cierto, interesante leer a que se dedica esta brigada...
The 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, located on West Fort Hood, deploys and conducts intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations in support of III Corps or another designated Task Force (TF). This intelligence mission includes collecting, processing, and analyzing Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), and conducting reconnaissance and surveillance operations with an assigned Long Range Surveillance (LRS) Troop.

The Brigade consists of a Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), two Military Intelligence Battalions, the 163d and 303d MI Battalions, the 2-38th CAV Squadron, two separate companies, the 268th Network Operations Company, the 509th Forward Support Company.

The 163d and 303d are identical Military Intelligence Battalions focused on the collection and processing of SIGINT and HUMINT. Each battalion has a Headquarters, Headquarters Company (HHC), a Technical Collection Company (SIGINT and Sensitive Site Exploitation), a Collection and Exploitation Company (CI/HUMINT) and a HUMINT Collection Company. The 268th Network Operations Company provides the Brigade long-range, secure communications. The 509th Forward Support Company provides logistic and maintenance support to the Brigade. The 2-38th CAV Squadron provides reconnaissance and surveillance to a designated TF. In garrison, the 268th and 509th are attached to the 303d MI Battalion.

The 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade has a distinguished history supporting not only III Corps exercises and operations, but contingency operations worldwide. The Brigade has deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq on two occasions, most recently OIF 06-08, and has provided Soldiers in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan on multiple occasions. The Brigade is at the forefront of Army Transformation and has some of the most state-of-the-art collection equipment in the United States Army. The Brigade is one of the premier intelligence collection units in the Army and offers an excellent opportunity for intelligence and intelligence related personnel to work in a challenging environment.
Foto del bicho:


Información del mismo, habría que tomar nota de la colección de software y equipos:
Creating a picture of the battlefield so that commanders can make informed decisions on how to operate encompasses various forms of intelligence. With the delivery of the first Prophet Enhanced (program of record) to the 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade the realm of ground signals intelligence received a major boost.

Prophet Enhanced serves as the Army’s premier ground signals intelligence, or SIGINT, platform, building upon the success and lessons learned from preceding Prophet Systems including: Prophet Spiral 1, Triton III and a quick reaction capability, or QRC, version of Prophet Enhanced.

With the initial fielding of eight systems to the 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, or BSB, a major milestone for military intelligence Soldiers was reached as they took possession of a more survivable, flexible and easy to use system that greatly enhances their ability to perform ground signals intelligence missions.

“Prophet supports the ISR (intelligence surveillance reconnaissance) mission particularly in the areas of persistent area analysis, situational development and mission overwatch by providing actionable intelligence to commanders to execute their missions,” said Lt. Col. Jim Ross, product manager for Prophet.

The effective use of Prophet Enhanced systems will allow Soldiers and teams to provide much needed situational awareness to Joint Forces and Commanders at levels that weren’t achievable just a few years ago. Information obtained using the Prophet systems will be invaluable in the ongoing operations in Afghanistan or during any other mission where they may be needed.

The main difference between the QRC version and the program of record version of Prophet lies in the fact that the latter gives a great deal of flexibility to commanders in terms of modular components.

“The QRC version required full integration on to specific platforms which limited flexibility in using components away from the vehicle or in a dismounted capacity. What we have done with the program of record version was modularize the components so that they could be quickly integrated on to, and removed from, the vehicle,” said Ross.

Prophet Enhanced is also equipped with the latest SIGINT enterprise software tools, optimized for the system in what is referred to as the Prophet Software Suite, or PS2. The prospect of operating with the most cutting edge technology has been eagerly awaited for by the Soldiers assigned to utilize Prophet systems.

“As an MI (military intelligence) Soldier, the Prophet Enhanced is a very welcome addition as it offers crucial upgrades and software changes that have improved the overall integration of system components,” said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane Harman, 504th BSB SIGINT advisor.

In describing the role Prophet Enhanced plays in the mission of an MI Soldier, Harman pointed out, “The new Prophet Enhanced gives our forces a more robust operational capability as it allows for easier movement of the dismount system. Additionally, by increasing the number of communications platforms, operators are afforded added flexibility to potentially conduct simultaneous split based, fixed and mobile operations.”

Prophet Enhanced is installed onto Panther variants of the mine-resistant, ambush-protected, or MRAP, which is a large six-wheeled, v-hulled vehicle that offers passengers added protection from improvised explosive devices, as well as greater operating space.

Additionally, the Department of the Army provided PM Prophet with one MRAP all-terrain vehicle, or MATV, to outfit with Prophet which had been demonstrated to the 504th with positive reviews due to the additional mobility the vehicle could provide in austere conditions.

“Some units have indicated they may submit operational needs statements to move out on MATV variants,” said Ross.

Allowing Soldiers to operate away from the sensor has direct benefits in Soldier Safety as well as efficiency.

“The sensor can be placed in a location (outside the wire) and the Soldier can have the ability to operate in a safe enclave among other Intel Soldiers from the other intelligence components,” noted Ross.

“Now, when a Soldier collects SIGINT, it can be in a distributed fashion where they collaborate with one another and they are able to evaluate, collect and exploit the information collected by the sensors in that enclave rather than having to be right where the sensor is and having to go back and load the information," Ross explained. "We have allowed for distributed operations and have allowed for them to operate in a collaborative and safe environment, dismounted while the mounted piece is still out.”

Ultimately the product manager office anticipates fielding up to 50 sensors to the rest of the Army during the next several fiscal years.

Re: Prophet Enhanced

Publicado: 10 Jun 2011 23:52
por pcaspeq
Muy bueno Loopster!!

Wikileaks publica el mapa de spyfiles.

Publicado: 05 Dic 2011 17:43
por Jose Luis Mansilla
El 03-112-11 Wikileaks ha publicado el mapa de spyfiles donde salen todas las empresas dedicadas a la captacion de señales por paises.
Rastreo de Gps, correo, trojanos , telefonia , etc.



Publicado: 30 Dic 2012 20:19
por Jose Luis Mansilla
China inicia su sistema de GPS con 12 satélites que se llama Beidu.

China pone a disposición de sus habitantes la alternativa al GPS

Publicado el 28 de diciembre de 2012 por Jaime Domenech

Beidou, el sistema de navegación vía satélite desarrollado por China sobre el que ya os hablamos el año pasado, acaba de ver la luz de forma oficial para uso civil.

El objetivo de los chinos es no tener que depender del hardware militar de los Estados Unidos, y de momento el principal inconveniente de su propuesta es que solo tienen funcionando medio docena de satélites, cifra muy escasa si la comparamos con los 33 satélites que ofrecen señal GPS.

Lo cierto es que aunque hasta ahora los americanos no han denegado el acceso a sus satélites, podrían en cualquier momento decidir una medida de ese tipo, algo que tendría fatales consecuencias para países como China.

Beidou promete un servicio con una precisión de alrededor de 10 metros similar a la de los servicios GPS, aunque hasta que no tengan más satélites en órbita la efectividad de su nuevo sistema de navegación será bastante limitada.

Por encima del uso civil, parece que de momento el ejército chino es el que podría obtener más ventajas con Beidou, ya que los misiles nucleares necesitan un servicio de posicionamiento para poder funcionar de forma precisa y acertar el disparo.

Asimismo, tanto Moscú, que tiene en funcionamiento Glonass, como Europa, con el sistema Galileo, son otros gobiernos que cuentan con alternativas al GPS que esperan seguir desarrollando en los próximos años.

Además, conviene aclarar que si un dispositivo de recepción de la señal está configurado para permitir el uso de varios servicios de localización a la vez, los usuarios podrán conocer su ubicación de forma más rápida y eficaz.

http://www.theinquirer.es/2012/12/28/ch ... ternativa-