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Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 01 Nov 2013 17:10
por Michel
Un enlace a un artículo que trata sobre el tema de contratistas privados rusos operando en Siria. Así como una mención al presuntamente fallecido, incluyendo una pequeña entrevista que aporta algunos datos, por lo que pudiera estar a salvo.

http://eaworldview.com/2013/11/russia-s ... ves-syria/

Un saludo.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 02 Nov 2013 14:18
por Mod. 4
Mucha y buena información Michel, nombres de los que tirar y que ya están sacando conexiones interesantes.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 16 Nov 2013 11:39
por Daniel1973
Rusos contratados para luchar por Assad.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 16 Nov 2013 14:49
por Mod. 4
Excelentes fotografías Daniel, Kavkaz Center recoge una traducción de la entrevista realizada por el periódico Fontanka de San Petersburgo a varios de los miembros de Slavic Corps que han estado en Siria, contradiciendo de paso las informaciones dadas por algunos de sus responsables:
"Large field between Latakia and Tartous is surrounded by barbed wire. Syria has its reservists there, and also there is our battalion. Previously, it was the race track. We housed in former stables. By October, there were 267 people from the "Slavic Corps", split into two companies. One company was staffed with Cossacks from the Kuban, the other - people from all over Russia, from St. Petersburg we had 10 - 12 people. As the commanders said, the number of men in the Corps in Syria is expected to reach 2 thousand people.

In addition to AKs, the battalion received machine guns, grenade launchers. The anti-aircraft guns were models dated 1939. Mortars were models of 1943. Four crews for four T-72 tanks and some BMPs were formed", the newspaper writes.

- "On the 18th, a sudden alarm got us out and into our vehicles. There was some kind of fighting going in the neighbouring town of Al-Sukhnah where Syrian militias were attacked by the opposition rebels. We had to go and help. About three hours later, we started moving somewhere along the road, under some burning city we came under fire. We spread out, took up the defence.

The Cossacks' company moved to the left and got embroiled into a clash with someone who was not on Bashar al-Assad side. Mortar fire was opened, however, it did not manage to cover the column of the opponents, and we were approached by the government SAU (mobile missiles station), that supported us with its fire. Assadites got air support out in the air and started bombing the enemy. The militants, who, according to various sources, were 2,000 in number, according to others 6,000, proved to be stubborn, and seemed to prepare to strike at battalion's flanks and rear.

Great success can reported as we had no losses and only a total of six people were wounded, two of them - seriously. Immediately, we noted that all the wounded were removed from the battlefield and all returned home. "A sandstorm saved us, covered us, allowing to move away, covering us from local bandits. It was a proper sandstorm - we could not see anything. But thanks to it, we are alive".

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 16 Nov 2013 17:01
por Mod. 4
Daniel1973 escribió:Rusos contratados para luchar por Assad.
La fotografía probablemente fue tomada en la base T4, al fondo se ve uno de los rarísimos Su-24MK de Assad.


En esta fotografía a mayor resolución se ve que el texto del grafitti es سورية الأسد, "Siria de Assad".

En la traducción de la entrevista realizada por Fontanka.ru destaqué el comentario de las tripulaciones para T-72 debido a que en las últimas semanas han aparecido versiones mejoradas de estos carros, en uso por tropas de Assad.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 16 Nov 2013 17:25
por Daniel1973
Gracias por la importante información sobre la participación de rusos en el conflicto sirio, Mod4.

Atención al espectacular dato del periódico Fontanka. Según el artículo aportado por Mod4. la compañía espera poner a 2.000 hombres sobre le terreno.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 24 Nov 2013 22:48
por Daniel1973
Foreign Policy publica un extenso artículo sobre la participación de rusos en la Guerra civil Siria.

http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2 ... estigation

Parece que su participación está siendo mediocre.
The one and only actual campaign Slavonic's mercenaries participated in was a complete debacle: an abortive attempt to regain control of oil fields in Syria's eastern province of Deir ez-Zor. Portraits of Assad and Baathist flags were stuck to Hyundai buses and JMC trucks as the men set off on a 350-mile trek eastward from Latakia across rebel-infiltrated terrain. Signs that their safety wasn't really a paramount concern of their hosts became apparent immediately. Battle-ready T-72 tanks were replaced by older, dilapidated T-62s before the mission began back in Latakia. A Syrian helicopter, evidently mistaking the Russian convoy for enemy action, got itself tangled in power lines and crashed on top of the entire mercenary column albeit, wondrously, without killing anyone. Then, on Oct. 18, the Slavonic Corps fighters met their bathetic Little Bighorn after getting stuck in the town of al-Sukhnah, Homs, where they were surrounded by a contingent of up to 6,000 anti-Assad rebels (a figure almost surely exaggerated). "[N]ot wanting to die in vain for the ideals of the Syrian state," Korotkov writes rather grandly, the Russians "jumped into their vehicles and began to retreat.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 09 Dic 2013 10:44
por Mod. 4
Tritón, esas fotos ya se han colocado en mensajes anteriores.

Re: Mercenarios rusos en Siria

Publicado: 25 Oct 2014 22:27
por Mod. 4
Michel escribió:Algunos partidos políticos rusos están presentando proyectos de ley para regular el uso de las PMC rusas tanto en su territorio nacional, protección en el extranjero, defensa de sus intereses fuera de sus fronteras, etc, partiendo presuntamente la iniciativa de partidos socialdemócratas que están representados en la camara rusa.


http://rt.com/politics/198176-russian-p ... ntractors/

Un saludo.